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Open Science 101 & Practical Data Skills Online
What You’ll Learn:
Open Science & Scholarhip: Learn how to engage with Open Science (also called Open Scholarship) to make research more open, accessible, and equitable.
Practical Data Skills: Gain practical data skills through short, interactive lessons.
One topic will be explored per session. Topics include:
- Data Deposits: Discover where to deposit your research data for long-term access and preservation.
- Organizing Files and Folders – Learn best practices for naming files and structuring folders to keep your computer tidy and easy to navigate.
- Creating ReadMe Files: Create ReadMe files to document your data and research processes.
- Research Data Management Best Practices: Learn strategies for managing your research data.
- Finding Open Data: Explore methods for locating and utilizing open datasets.
- Best Practices for Reproducible Research: Engage with strategies to make your research more open and reproducible.
- UVic Data Science Librarian, Nick Rochlin, will lead the instruction on this topic during the March 12th workshop.
Why Attend?
- Enhance Your Research: Gain knowledge and skills to make your research more open, clear, and impactful.
- Hands-On Learning: Take part in practical exercises that help you apply new skills right away.
- Network with Peers: Meet others who are also interested in improving their research with Open Science and data skills.
Related LibGuide: Workshop - Research Data Management for Reproducible Research by Monique Grenier
- Date:
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025
- Time:
- 10:30am - 11:30am
- Time Zone:
- Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
- Online:
- This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
- Audience:
- Open to everyone